I know, jumping higher and higher is a dream of all, it was mine and therefore yours, too.
It is not impossible, indeed!... And I am going to tell you more. You can get the best results, not only working very hard. You can do all you want, but there will be a point beyond which you cannot go.
Thus, where and how can you act?
The steps that you must accomplish to appreciably improve your vertical jump are basically three:
1. First, you can act effectively on your body weight, that should be as perfect as possible. The fat is a sinker and it has greater inertia than the muscles, thus greatly reducing your movement speed. Your training must therefore always match with a proper nutrition. Eating too much and badly is contraindicated for any sport. In particular you should pay attention to high glycemic index food (bread, rice, and especially refined sugars, etc..), because their excessive intake brings to rapidly increase fat deposits.
2. A second thing you must think about is improving strength without adding too much muscle mass. You must therefore work with loads or weights to strengthen back, shoulders and quadriceps.
3. A third thing you must do, is expressed in a very simple concept, but too often neglected by many athletes and I am going to disclose it: do you want to learn to jump better and higher? Then, you must jump! You have to practice jumping! Sounds odd, huh? Yet any skill improves by repeating itself, running it again and again even in various forms.
Only in this way you can begin to learn how to really bring out your true vertical jump maximum expression.