Keeping the shape is not a mirage, following a few simple tips you can reach a good physical form and preserve your health. Lipids are important nourishments for our body, they not only bring calories, but as for carbohydrates and proteins, they have very important metabolic functions and so they have not to be demonized.
As usual is the quantity to make the difference, and a food can be useful or harmful according to its quantity. Lipids are an important source of essential fat acids and liposoluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), which are all necessary for life. The spreading sedentariness put us up against a long series of problems and often our answer isn’t to gift us with some spare time, but instead it’s to blame someone or something: but it’s not lipids’ fault!
Obesity and overweight found their richest soil in social progress: a great availability of food and a very few physical effort to get it; it determines a radical change in lifestyle, which brings to a poor expenditure of energy and consequentially brings to a population that tends more and more to over weight and often to obesity!
If you add to all of this a poor knowledge about foods’ nutritional value, it’s easy to understand how this condition can become a spreading social phenomenon. The most expert nutritionists ask people to read nutritional tags and it’s common in supermarkets to see people reading labels on boxes. But it’s equally easy to see how sometimes those people reject bakery food containing butter preferring the ones containing vegetal fats, without understanding that foods containing butter are of higher quality. And it’s equally easy to see people having snack with four chocolate “innocent cookies”, without realising that they just brought in a calories quantity equal to a 100 g pig steak!
The meaning is: it’s the global caloric balance to make the difference, that is calories brought in within a day! Changing dietary habits can yet be very hard and it represents a key point on which many diets fail: if I use to keep on my desk cookies or snacks, it will be very easy to go over the daily caloric quantity and then I won’t reach the goal I set. So it’s very important doing snacks, in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, that have a little caloric contribution, but with a filler effect, to allow you to arrive to the main meal a little hungry and without any difficulties.
Examples: fruit, yoghurt, vegetables, etc….To avoid: cold cuts, chocolate, candies, fast food, gassy drinks and any sweets. It’s a good habit to have a complete breakfast and if you have not enough time for a lunch because of you work, it would be a good alternative to eat a well balanced equivalent meal.
Features of a good equivalent meal:
- Balanced in carbohydrate, protein and lipid quantities:
- It has to give a good sense of surfeit
- Good digestibility and good taste.
Equivalent meal arises to be sure about what is brought in, to exceed not about those calories which represent the typical referral parameter.
Another good suggestion is to entrust to expert professionals, avoiding those dangerous diets “lemon-based”…”apple-based”…”melon-based”…or any other summer ideas up to-date.
A safe loss of weight, and above all lasting, always passes by expert professionals, doctors or expert nutritionists.
Always remember that too many calories mean too many fuel, and our body doesn’t waste it…it absorbs it in the form of lipids, but again…it’s not lipids’ fault!
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