Mind’s the limit. As long as mind can conceive that you can do something, you can do it if you really believe it 100 percent.
(Arnold Schwarzenegger)
How Can You Develope a Winning Mindset?
It’s puzzling the number of athletes who pay a little attention to body’s most important muscle: the one that stays between ears. Whoever makes this mistake is meant to mediocrity; equally, teams that ignore mental training are easily detectable, they have low ratings and aren’t able to reach the compactness needed to go to the top.
Mental strength is usually the resolutive factor. Great athletes know how to take control of their own thoughts and their own emotions, and all of us canlearn to do the same. As for every art, many practise is needed, but it’s worth it.
An expert trainer will teach every physical technique as long as they will become automatic and habitual, but a top trainer knows that a fundamental part of training develops in mind.
Try not to fall in the trap of dedicating all your energy exclusively to physical exercise. Complete all your efforts with a mental training, that will strengthen your positive thinking and your positive emotions to get positive results.
Here are some effective techniques to sharpen you mental capacities. Results will be very surprising.
The six phases
1. Deeply relax your body.
2. Develop consciousness and attention.
3. Examine your narrow beliefs.
4. Take the control of your thoughts.
5. Become master of your thoughts.
6. Use a positive creative imagination.
Remind, the key to the success lies in training these capacities until they will remain deeply stuck in your unconscious.
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