Do you want to improve your health status by following an optimal diet?
Follow these simple rules:
1 - Do 5-6 meals a day
Eat frequently holding by you daily caloric requirements. To feel better, be good looking and a have good health is important to supply energy to your body gradually throughout the whole day. Don’t let too much time pass between two meals, not more of 4 hours. Plan at least 3 principal meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2-3 light meals or snacks. In this way you will have more energy and won’t be hungry. An active person (who does sport) that eats frequently (every 3-4 hours circa) accelerates metabolism keeping the energy levels stable all day long. Reducing the number of meals metabolism get slower and less calories will be burnt.
2 – Combine carbohydrates and proteins in every meal
Our body works better with the right equilibrium of proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins are essential for muscles formation, immune system keeping and insulin levels stabilizing, thus providing constant energy all day long. Moreover proteins sate better and appetite decreases. So avoid a carbohydrates-rich nutrition, and offset proteins and carbohydrates.
3 – Choose right portions
Portions’ dimensions are important to the weight control. By and large a portion is equivalent to the quantity of food you can hold in your hand’s palm. For example, if half a cup of rice or of chicken breasts stay on the palm of your hand, thus that is your portion. Do the same with vegetables and all the other food. For main meals choose a portion of proteins, one of carbohydrates and/or vegetables from the list of the 7 foods. Eat at least 2 portions of vegetables a day.
4 – Plan meals in advance
Before you begin your training program, try different recipes and choose those that are more suitable for you and the best matches. Thus you will be ready to get off on the right foot. So, if you can, prepare meals in advance or program your menu of the day, or of the week, so to decrease temptations and to follow more easily your program.
5 – Improve the wrong choices
Instead of the usual chocolate snacks, eat an energetic bar only. Use skimmed milk or partially-skimmed milk, not full-cream. Choose a low fat yoghurt instead of full-cream ones. Cook meat on the grill rather than frying it with oil.
6 – Drink at least 10 glasses of water
When you follow a training, nutrition and integration program is very important to drink water, at least a glass during every meal and 4-5 during the day. If you drink “light” beverages (sugar free), tea or coffee, because of their diuretic effect, you’ll have to compensate drinking at least another glass of water.
7 – Don’t eat immediately before or after training
If you can, train in the morning as you wake up with empty stomach to burn more fats.
Moreover, eating not before an hour from training increases even more the fat-burning effect. Last, don’t eat immediately before you go to sleep.
8 – Use high quality supplements
Supplements can help in covering nutritional lacks and in increasing performances. When you buy supplements, choose those Companies that invest in research to improve efficiency of their products.
9 – Find right motivations
Put a purpose and write it so you can see it in every moment of the day. Shoot some photos “before” the beginning of the program and set a date to shoot photos “after”, trying to reach the physical form you want.
10 – Aim to constancy rather than to perfection
It will occasionally happen to eat meals or snacks that are out of the list of the recommended foods. When it happens don’t let you go, enjoy your “distraction” and come back to your program with the next meal.
11 – Reward yourself!!!
Sometimes award yourself with your favourite food: pizza, ice-cream, etc…