During a sport season, strength is a very important feature in every work program, especially during wintertime, even if is good to do recalls during the whole year.
Strength has many different components (stamina, power or speed), when you are on the court being strong means to be able to push efficiently with “longer gears”, and this makes the difference from an athlete to another.
For example, how can strength be trained? Recent studies have shown that training in gym using is useful to young people and beginners, less useful to an evolved athlete because it determines a lag in reaching physical shape at the beginning of the season, also because, once you stop training with loads, 4 up to 6 weeks occur to burn off muscular fatigue.
Moreover, a wrong usage of loads can give a muscular mass increase and a very negative consequence for your weight/power ratio (that’s true for many sports) with a consequential loss of performances.
Bearing that in mind, we have to admit that with the cold season, when light hours go decreasing, temperatures become less pleasant and more importantly you find yourself in that period from November to December, when you can dedicate to other sports (the so-called cross-training with run, swimming, cross-country skiing, walks on mountains) and it is possible and useful to withdraw with gym and generally with indoor training. The aim is to keep a minimum amount of aerobic and muscular tone conditioning using a “circuit-based” work, through which different muscular areas (legs, arms, torso’s muscles) are involved, using loads that are about the 50-60% of the maximum for two minutes circa of use.
Thank to this method, cardiac frequency keeps a low rhythm, that is an aerobic work, muscles work with no fatigue thus keeping tone and stress resistance. Very important is the work of “transfer” done on bike or on spinning bike, after work done on machinery.
Period to be dedicated to this kind of work in gym, generally lasts not more than six weeks.
How can strength be fed? The supplementary feeding during workout or following the sessions during which exercises are planned for the development of force, is very important, especially with regard to recovery. After every workout it’s necessary first to reinstate the sugars used in efforts given the importance of amino acids and proteins; hard work leads to micro-lesions at the level of muscle tissue that must be quickly repaired, so as to allow, during the anabolic phase, improving of the contractile ability of the muscle itself and expression of the force.
Only in this way you can get some good improvements.